
By 伊莱恩Grublin

2009年1月27日,MHS图书馆出现了名人目击事件.  《og体育平台》杂志的莎拉·杰西卡·帕克 & 参观了我们的阅览室,并使用了我们手稿收藏中的材料. 我们已经保密了一年多,等待合适的时机告诉全世界, 但现在我们想让每个人都知道,这样他们就可以分享我们的名人经历!

莎拉·杰西卡来这里是为了拍摄NBC新剧的首集你以为你是谁?“这个项目, 改编自英国同名热门纪录片的美国电影, 跟随知名名人,因为他们的工作,发现他们的谚语根, 研究他们的祖先,试图更多地了解他们的家庭和他们自己. 

During her visit Sarah Jessica registered as a researcher and followed all the rules of the reading room – although we did allow the film crew to follow her in, 这远远超出了我们的标准. 我和SJP一起在目录室工作了一段时间, helping her identify and call for the material she wanted to see and then brought the material to her in the reading room. 我们不能告诉你她看了哪些文件, 不过,你需要收听节目才能找到答案!

莎拉·杰西卡是一位热心而感兴趣的研究者,也是一位和蔼可亲的名人嘉宾. 当然,她对我们持有的与她祖先有关的材料很感兴趣, but she also asked questions about the size and scope of our collections and how we preserve our documents. 拍摄结束后, she stopped in our lobby to chat with a couple of students from Emerson College that had also been conducting research here and posed for photographs with them. She then stayed on into the evening for a tour of the MHS building and a chance to see some of our treasures. 在查看亚当斯家族文件的精选材料时我们发现3月25日, 托马斯·杰斐逊给约翰·亚当斯写最后一封信的日期, 是SJP的生日(只差了大约140年). And she enthusiastically agreed when a staff member pointed out that our portrait of Lieutenant Frederick Hedge Webster, 1864年在马萨诸塞州第54团服役时牺牲的, 与她的丈夫马修·布罗德里克惊人地相似, 谁扮演罗伯特·古尔德·肖上校, 也是第54届, 在电影《og体育官网》中.”

“你以为你是谁??在NBC首播 2010年3月5日,星期五 晚上8点.m. 莎拉·杰西卡·帕克那集. 在帕克的家谱发现之旅中,MHS只是众多站点之一, so be sure to tune in to learn her story and to catch the MHS library and reading room staff during their 15 minutes of fame. 

 你可以观看一些节目的“预览片段” here.


By 特蕾西·波特

在过去的几个月里,杰里米·迪贝尔,安娜·库克和我 诱人的 你们所有人 peeks 进入图书馆的最新项目, 马萨诸塞州历史学会总统信件:概述.  I am glad to announce that as of the 23 February 2010 the project has finally come to its completion and the completed finding aid is now available online at http://mylmu.nkgx.net/findingaids/doc.cfm?fa=fa0329.

This subject guide is an overview of the MHS’ holdings of all known letters written by presidents found in the Society’s manuscript and autograph collections.  该指南现在列出了每位美国人写的5400多封信.S. 除了威廉·克林顿,乔治·W·克林顿. 布什和巴拉克·奥巴马. This number does not include the letters found in the 亚当斯家族 Papers and the Coolidge Collection of 托马斯·杰斐逊 Manuscripts for 约翰·亚当斯, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯, 托马斯·杰斐逊. 

This very large project was completed over a relatively small period of time (five months to be exact), 如果没有几个人的帮助,这是不可能完成的. 

 – L. 丹尼斯·夏皮罗, 本会受托人, 是谁和彼得·德拉米一起提出了这个项目的最初想法, 通过阿尔扎克基金会为该项目提供资金, 并在整个项目中给予反馈. 

——彼得·德拉米,史蒂芬·T. 莱利图书管理员, 是谁与保管委员会L .丹尼斯。夏皮罗一起提出计划的最初构想, 帮助头脑风暴格式和内容, 为我提供重要信件的存放地点和总统的花边新闻. 

——布兰达·劳森, 收款处处长, who 帮助头脑风暴格式和内容 and who also edited endless pages of presidential letter descriptions.

——苏珊·马丁, 手稿处理员和EAD协调员, 帮助编写查找辅助工具并给Sarah和我上了XMetal使用教程的人. 

——萨拉·德斯蒙德, 恩迪科特学院学期实习生, 是谁连续三个月每周花35个小时浏览目录和藏品, 描述总统信件, 格式化和编码查找工具. 

I also would like to mention the assistance of the staff of the MHS who provided me with feedback and locations of letters that fell through the cracks.  

虽然指南的大部分已经完成,但请记住这是一个正在进行的项目. 随着新收藏的到来和新收藏的处理,新的信件可以添加到指南中. 


你可以浏览一下指南 here.

本周@ MHS

By 杰里米Dibbell

加入我们 2月23日星期二 听理查德·卡图拉的讲座, “爱德华·埃弗雷特, 乔治•华盛顿, 以及平凡的伟大的力量.茶点将在下午五点半供应.m.下午6点开始演讲.m. 更多信息 here,包括注册信息.

请注意波士顿移民局 & 城市历史研讨会定于周四举行, 2月25日已被推迟, 并将重新安排时间.


By 杰里米Dibbell

回到11月的安娜·库克 回顾了一次棕包事件 og体育平台卫生部“总统文件计划”的进展情况, 由我的同事特雷西·波特领导, 在上学期实习生萨拉·德斯蒙德的帮助下. 这项调查的最终结果将是一个可在网上访问的主题指南.S. 总统在MHS的收藏,我们希望在不久的将来提供. 特蕾西向我提供了一些数据的“偷窥”, though, 这样我就可以为总统日做个预告了:

Not yet counting the letters of John and 约翰·昆西·亚当斯 (of which there are many thousands in our collections), 特蕾西的表格,MHS的988封总统信件. 我们有所有总统的手稿,除了最近的三位总统(奥巴马、乔治. 布什、克林顿). 我们持有的前五大股票(同样不包括亚当斯夫妇)是:

5. 艾森豪威尔(386封信)

4. 西奥多·罗斯福(440封信)

3. 门罗(568封信)

2. 华盛顿(621封信)

1. 杰弗逊(9446个字母)*

Tracy also highlights just one collection which is particularly rich in presidential manuscripts: the 爱德华·埃弗雷特论文 包含14位总统的信件! That’s each chief executive from Washington to Lincoln except for Madison and William Henry Harrison.

当总统指南发布时,请关注这个空间的链接, 非常感谢Tracy给我们一个预览的机会.



本周@ MHS

By 杰里米Dibbell

The MHS, 包括图书馆, 星期一关门吗, 2月15日是总统日.

星期三和星期四, 2月17 - 18, MHS is partnering with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to present a two-day teacher workshop based on court cases and documents dealing with the end of slavery in both Massachusetts (after the Revolution) and in the country (before the 内战). During their day at MHS (Thursday) participants will work with key documents from the collections that have been paired with Library of Congress documents to enhance an understanding of activities and events leading to the emancipation of slaves in this state and others. 小组将围绕文件完成课程计划,并由所有与会者共享. 更多信息 here.


By 杰里米Dibbell

以防你错过了这个月的 的电子通讯: the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 has announced a promotional new member rate for 2010: Members who join through the end of June can take advantage of a special first-year introductory membership rate of $75. 作为额外的激励, new members who are recommended by an existing MHS Member or Fellow will be eligible for a reduced introductory rate of $50 for the first year. The MHS is confident these new members will want to remain involved and help the Society secure a future for our past.


本周@ MHS

By 杰里米Dibbell

加入我们 2月9日星期二 和波士顿流行乐团指挥基思·洛克哈特的谈话. 洛克哈特将发表题为“用音乐创造过去”的演讲.这次对话将由韦尔斯利学院的史蒂夫·马里尼(Steve Marini)主持. 下午五点半供应茶点.m.,谈话将于下午6点开始.m.



By 南希·海伍德

很多人都听说过Silence Dogood, 并认出这个名字是本杰明·富兰克林的笔名, 但有多少人读过“她”的话呢? 卫生部刚刚推出了一个网络展览。”Silence Dogood:本杰明·富兰克林 《og体育平台》”  featuring contextual essays about the topic as well as digital images and transcriptions of the 14 pieces appearing in a Boston newspaper between March and October of 1722 “by” the outspoken widow Silence Dogood.

In 1722 Boston-born Benjamin Franklin was 16 years old and busy working as an apprentice for his brother James, 的印刷商和出版商 《og体育平台》. The Courant wasn’t officially tied to the colonial government of Massachusetts and the newspaper became known for publishing opinionated, lively, 还有讽刺作品, 其中一些人质疑政治和宗教机构. In his autobiography Benjamin Franklin remembered how he wanted to write for the paper but thought his brother wouldn’t accept or print any pieces he submitted.  于是本杰明想到了一种不那么直接的方法来发表他的作品:他回忆道, “我设法伪装了我的首相, 写了一篇匿名的论文,我把它放在了印刷厂的门下.这篇“匿名论文”就是 第一篇 written by “Silence Dogood” that was published as a letter to the editor in the 26 March-2 April 1722 issue of the Courant.

沉默的信在报纸上的出现(后面跟着出版商的便条), 詹姆斯富兰克林, 向夫人提出建议. Dogood about how to ensure the safe delivery of future letters to the newspaper) prompted Benjamin to continue writing. 在接下来的7个月里,又有13篇文章出现在报纸上. Silence Dogood分享了她的人生故事 文章一 读一篇og体育平台她在船上出生的戏剧性故事),提倡妇女权利(essay 5),引用了伦敦报纸上一篇og体育平台言论自由的长篇文章(essay 8)并评论醉酒的恶习(essay 12), which includes what is perhaps one of the longest lists ever compiled of all the harmless sounding terms used to describe a state of drunkenness: “boozey, cogey, tipsey, fox’d, merry, mellow, fuddl’d, groatable, 非常地削减, 看到两个月亮, 在非利士人中间, 心情很好, 看太阳, or, 太阳照耀着他们…… .”).

Also available within the MHS’s web presentation of the Dogood essays are links to online displays of the full issues of the 14 newspapers in which the essays appear. Website visitors have the opportunity to browse a few sample issues and see the output of the publishing house where Benjamin Franklin learned many aspects of the printing trade.


By 杰里米Dibbell

我们2月 本月目标 是1939年2月15日富兰克林. 罗斯福对历史学家罗杰·梅里曼说, 他曾是罗斯福在哈佛大学的老师,1939年担任卫生部副主席. 在这封信里, 罗斯福哀叹他所谓的“我们即将死去”, 英国人表现出的“敬礼”态度, 向梅里曼讲述了英国大使最近的一次访问, 洛锡安勋爵让他"彻底疯了.他在信的结尾这样写道:“英国人今天需要的是一杯上好的烈性酒。, 不仅激发了拯救文明的欲望,还让他们继续相信自己能做到. 在这种情况下,他们将从他们的美国兄弟那里得到更多的支持——你不这样认为吗?”

你可以看到这封信的图片,阅读抄本,并获得更多的背景信息 here特蕾西·波特(特蕾西·波特)在《og体育平台》(本月目标)文章中写道.